Total Reviews: 139

January 13, 2022
As usual Syn Pharma is top Quality, EQ is legit and good to go!

Legacy Laboratories Testosterone Cypionate
December 27, 2021
Great stuff. I took my shot in the morning. The very next morning I had wood like when it was annoying when I was 16-25. I’ve consistently stuck with this stuff and it’s good. I add on the propionate and stay low dose. It’s great. I’d recommend to anyone searching for a little pep in their step and a few more regular exciting nights. This will not let you “down”.

December 27, 2021
High quality MK677.
Would purchase again.
Anavar 10mg
December 17, 2021
Strong. Feeling it at 30mgs
SYN is legit.
Shipping from the site was fast and the tracking was accurate.
Testosterone Enanthate
December 17, 2021
Did my 1st cycle of test-only with this. Amazing.
I heard this ester takes 4-6 weeks to 'kick in' but I swear by 2 weeks I was feeling something and by 4 weeks I was definitely feeling it. Gains were amazing. Get cycle.
Shipping was fast & tracking was good.
December 17, 2021
As far as I can tell this stuff is great quality.
Was struggling with emotions and acne, took 12.5mg 3x a week and emotions were balanced as I was taking the 2nd tab. Acne gone under a week after taking 1st tab.
Not my first SYN product, won't be my last. SYN is legit.
Legacy Laboratories Winstrol
December 13, 2021
good product!
Trenbolone Acetate
November 29, 2021
Amazing Product , Great service
November 27, 2021
Noticed a big strength increase after a week of use. Fantastic performance enhancer. Highly reccomend stacked with testosterone.
Syn Pharma Overdrive
November 8, 2021
This stuff works great! I have mild ED from long term anxiety medication and this stuff helps immensely. Rock hard erections, stay hard after. Would recommend to anyone.
Legacy Laboratories Testosterone Propionate
October 27, 2021
This stuff is like an anti depressant. Feel great on it. Energy levels definitely increased.
October 13, 2021
Took 50mg for the first week didn't do much for me, increased it to 75mg for week 2, week 3 started taking 100mg really started noticing massive strength gains. Squat went from 405 for 1 struggle of a rep to 405x8 by week 6