SARMs: How To Take Them Safely?

Fitness routines vary from one individual to another. People venture into the fitness journey with clear motives of what they hope to achieve. Anyone who’s signed up for it for professional reasons understands the challenges that come along with it. 

On the bright side, wide ranges of solutions make the process more bearable, especially for bodybuilders. They go to the most extraordinary lengths to ensure that they meet their set goals. 

Among the solutions are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, which are better known as SARMs. As much as they have their share of adverse reports, here are safer ways of consuming them. 

Oral Consumption 

This method favors anyone who shudders with anxiety at the mere sight of a needle. Oral consumption of SARMs must be accompanied by other safety measures such as supervision by a trained medical expert. The safe thing about orally consumed SARMs is that they are highly selective. This means they are in full support of the growth and development of muscles and avoid harmful effects simultaneously. 

One such type of SARM is the Ligandrol (LGD-4033) and has no similarity of any kind to steroids. It has gone through thorough phases of tests and clinical trials, which have certified its credibility. Another factor that makes it a safer consumption alternative is that there are no gross side effects such as balding. Using it according to a certified physician’s prescription yields aesthetic results. 

All it takes is to visit verified websites when in search of SARMs for sale. There are wide varieties to choose from but having a specific type makes it easier to shop around. 

Proper Dosing

An excessive amount, especially of anything as sensitive as SARMs, is poisonous and could lead to serious side effects. One safer way to take SARMs is by going through all the conventional channels. Follow all the dosage instructions given by the manufacturers since they are well aware of the repercussions of going far and beyond. Dosage also involves following strict timelines. 

For instance, some of them will need you to take them on an empty stomach for more effective action. An easier way to determine the Dosage is by focusing on your area of interest. As mentioned earlier, everyone tries out SARMs for varying reasons. Some may try it for the sole purpose of increasing muscle mass. On the other hand, others will try them out because they hope to cut down on the fat content in their bodies. 

Manufacturers make things easier by indicating the dosage instructions on the packages. Others take it a notch higher and post detailed yet informative dosage instructions on their official SARMs websites. 

This way, anyone opting for SARMs Canada is free to do a thorough background check and get vital details. They’ll know what they are signing up for instead of waiting to be taken by surprise. 

RAD-140 (Testolone) 

This is considered a safe method of taking SARMs since it is available in different dosages. The varying doses are meant to accommodate all levels of SARMs users. Beginners should never take what is intended for advanced users as the consequences are dire. 

Their systems are not yet ready to handle the effects that RAD-140 could have. The doses are easy to follow and implement to avoid things getting out of hand. For example, anyone who wishes to take RAD140 more than once is welcome to split up the standard dose into two. However, following this routine could only affect the period of consumption. Anyone required to take it for ten weeks could go further or maybe slow down the dosage period. 

Bear in mind that taking RAD-140 for more than ten weeks makes it less safe for consumption. Consumers must be keen on their dosage period to avoid untimely and unforeseen consequences. The standard duration of dosing on RAD 140 is about six to eight weeks, during which users should already be experiencing visible results. 

Post Cycle Therapy 

As the name suggests, a post cycle therapy is to regulate the muscle mass and the fat content available after using SARMs. It also helps in maintaining all the vital recommendations for athletes as far as hormones are concerned. SARMs professionals advise on the importance of incorporating the therapy sessions in between the dosage periods of the same. Their Post Cycle Therapy formulations vary, interfering with the regulation process of each dose. 

For this and other reasons, SARMs consumers are advised to stick to a particular type of Post Cycle Therapy to avoid confusion. Nonmedical forums are said to be more straightforward as they are not laced with so much jargon. As you shop around for exceptional PCT products, check on the ingredients. They play a pivotal role in ensuring a healthy balance between primary hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. 

PCTs make for safer SARMs consumption methods since they determine the outcome of each SARM taken. In case of a heavy dosage and overdue duration of consumption, PCTs are meant to save the situation. 


This is also consumed orally and is, in no way, linked to any kinds of steroids. Instead, Ostarine is said to lay claims to all the safest ingredients associated with SARMs. It’s been clinically tested, especially for athletes who are on the lookout for safer muscle growth. Ostarine is a crucial player in skeletal muscle, a significant cause of worry among most athletes. 

It maintains the balance between muscle mass and fat mass without causing a stir in the outcome. An athlete is assured of utmost safety, especially since any effects experienced are marked as passing clouds. The body quickly adapts to the normal functioning systems as soon as it gains access to verified treatment options. Ostarine also comes in handy and is more effective when paired with other viable SARMs. 

This is done at doses that should range between 10 and 30mg at a period of not more or less than twelve weeks. Any interference could negatively affect other sensitive areas such as sex drive, infertility, abnormal weight gain, and erectile dysfunction. Seeking the advice of an experienced medic is the way to go, especially for anyone trying Ostarine and other forms of SARMs for the first time. 


SARMs have come a long way and are on the verge of a global breakthrough. Consumers need to get their facts right before immersing themselves in the products they find on the market. Thanks to credible sources, athletes find it easy to quell their fears when opting for SARMs instead of steroids. 


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