Does Oxandrolone Work For Women?

does oxandrolone work for women?

Steroids of all kinds are generally regarded as drugs used by men to achieve weight loss, increase physical performance and athleticism. But with the current obesity epidemic that has about 40 percent of people worldwide battling problems related to being overweight, more steroids like Oxandrolone have seen broader usage in the fitness and bodybuilding community. However, this medication was initially intended for different uses separate from weight loss. Nevertheless, it possessed some specific properties, making it ideal for use outside the medical world.

Women in black sportswear lifting a barbell
Photo by cotton bra from Pexels

If you’re a woman looking for less conventional ways to eliminate fat and look more shredded, you may have heard about Oxandrolone. Naturally, you also have many questions concerning safety, and rightfully so. That’s because even though steroids are highly effective, you don’t want to misuse them.

So, this post throws more light on Oxandrolone, if and how it works for women, and the steps you can take to make the most of it.

What is Oxandrolone?

To understand what Oxandrolone is, let’s begin by looking at what it isn’t. Firstly, Oxandrolone, also called Anavar, isn’t a typical supplement and shouldn’t be treated as one. Instead, it’s an artificial steroid. This substance operates similarly to the naturally produced testosterone of the body, and it is an “anabolic” steroid effective at boosting muscle tissue growth.

Its primary uses include aiding patients to regain muscle mass after certain surgical procedures, chronic infection, or severe trauma to muscle tissue. It also helps preserve the body mass of persons who, for some medical reasons, can’t maintain or gain a healthy weight.

Even people with bone pain resulting from osteoporosis use it to alleviate the bone and increase bone strength. But like earlier states, its uses extended beyond the original medical purposes for which it was created. This is why checking a Pharma Anavar review can be essential in helping you figure out whether it’s right for you.

Does Anavar (Oxandrolone) Work For Women?

Yes. Anavar or Oxandrolone is affectionately called the ‘girl steroid’ due to its popularity among female users who use it to enhance physical performance. Suffice it to know that Oxandrolone is in such high demand because women can only use a few steroids that don’t affect their femininity. Many other anabolic steroid types produced severe androgenic results in women, leading to virilization symptoms. Simply put, a woman will begin to look and sound more masculine when using several types of anabolic steroids. The noticeable change may include:

  • Deepening of voice
  • Increased hair growth on the body
  • Development of masculine facial features
  • Reduction in breast size
  • Enlarged clitoris

On the other hand, Oxandrolone has a considerably low possibility of causing these virilization symptoms when used properly. This explains why proper dosage and cycle are essential for women trying Anavar. Even if you’ve figured out the dosage and are looking to find Anavar 10mg for sale, buying from a trusted retailer is equally vital.

Benefits of Oxandrolone For Women

Check any reputable source, and the benefits you will see for Anavar use in women will include the following:

  • Muscle gaining
  • Increased strength
  • Fat loss
  • Female friendly
  • Improved clitoris sensitivity

Muscle Gaining

Due to the anabolic nature of Oxandrolone, women can effectively use it to add on muscle. But it’s not the kind of steroid that will turn you into a female Hulk. This can be good, depending on your desired results. Generally speaking, you will see moderate gains, which will subtly improve your physique, making you look more muscular without looking too bulky. In other words, you’ll achieve better muscle tone and prevent sagging.

Increased Strength

If ‘strong’ is the new sexy, Oxandrolone will have all eyes on you. Even though it won’t promote the massive gains that other steroids in its class will, Anavar will increase your strength significantly. Women enjoy this effect, particularly those looking forward to lifting heavier weights. Also, it doesn’t result in extracellular water retention in the same way as creatine.

Fat Loss

The two primary ways Oxandrolone helps in fat loss are anti-glucocorticoid and insulin-regulating effects. Anti-glucocorticoid means it significantly reduces cortisol levels, resulting in lower fat storage. Like cortisol, insulin promotes fat storage, but Oxandrolone can help regulate insulin levels, preventing it from exceeding a certain level. Overall, you’ll not only notice a reduction in subcutaneous fat but in visceral fat too.

Female Friendly

Women in Sports Bra and Black Leggings While Doing Exercise
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

According to the results from studies on Anavar, it’s possible to experience masculinization as a girl or woman after using this substance. However, to observe these effects, you’ll have to take high doses for prolonged periods. As such, using a moderate amount on a short cycle prevents the chances of virilization. Bear in mind that virilization won’t happen all of a sudden but requires a long time within which you can discontinue use if you detect any early signs to reverse symptoms.

Possible Side Effects

Provided you use it properly, the side effects are usually moderate, among them are the following:

  • Higher cholesterol
  • Mild liver strain
  • Lower natural testosterone

How to Use Oxandrolone?

The typically safe Oxandrolone dosage for females is between 5 to 10mg each day. However, some women can go as high as 20mg for faster or more pronounced effects. But it’s crucial to remember that once you begin taking higher doses for extended periods, you are at higher risk of experiencing virilization.

Hence, you also need to maintain the proper cycle. Oxandrolone pills come in 2.5, 5, or 10mg tablets. You will obtain the best results by splitting your daily doses into two. For instance, breaking a 10mg tablet into two and taking it twice daily due to the short half-life of Anavar. This ensures high oxandrolone levels in your system throughout the day. The typical cycle for first-timers is five weeks, with the first-week dose of 5mg daily increased to 10mg/day for the remaining five weeks.


Oxandrolone, popularly known as Anavar, is a steroid that works with a high level of efficacy for weight loss. As a woman, combining it with diet and exercise can take you a long way in your fitness journey and truly transform your physique. This can make Anavar the perfect boost many women require to turn the cover on a fitness journey. However, it is not without side effects if misused or obtained from the wrong retailer. This is why you always want to speak to a professional before using these product types to figure out the proper cycles and dosages better.


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