Total Reviews: 139

Helixx Labs LGD X
March 20, 2024
When I got this product I didn’t think I’d get much results.. first 3 days blew me away! This was no different than running test! 10/10 loved it! If your looking for something to bulk you up in a month here you go

November 17, 2023
Ran a cycle of this stuff last year! Overwhelming how strong this stuff is, I found it kick in first day. Strong pumps

November 6, 2023
Syn for the win! stacking this up with mk-677, test and dbal, amazing product! Can’t beat the quality, long time customer!!

Testosterone Enanthate
October 12, 2023
Won’t use anything but syn (they’re the real deal) i’ll
continue to use canadian anabolics for all syn products

Legacy Laboratories Testosterone Enanthate
June 5, 2023
For my first cycle (250mg) as a young adult I experienced incredible gains. This brand can be trusted safely & I experienced hardly any sides. I felt amazing, had great pumps & made good love in the sheets! Not only that these guys ship incredibly fast. 11/10 product!

Legacy Laboratories TNT
October 24, 2022
Great quality same as what I’m used to
Legacy Laboratories Turinabol
October 24, 2022
Very powerful stuff
Masteron Enanthate
October 8, 2022
As always good masteron from syn. I’ve used 4 bottles of this brand and it’s fanstastic.
Legacy Laboratories Sustanon
October 8, 2022
Great work keeping it clean. Legacy labs sust is a pass!
Syn Pharma HGH 100 iu
September 29, 2022
This is unbelievable for weight loss if u can afford it...2 1/2 iu every morning and burned tough, lower,belly fat does take about a month to see weight shed off but we'll worth it..going to bump up to 4-6 iu a day in winter with sustanon 2x week with deca250 once a week and see how much size I can put on...test and hgh love each other and no need to go over board..could probably get by on one sust. a week but deca screws with my libido..turned 50 this year and hgh has changed my life dramatically
.this particular supplier/brand..on sale once in awhile too..been a member for awhile and swear by Canadian anabolics gear..never had an issue just big results and have tried 80% of stuff on here for my goals..great quality and customer service..
Anavar 10mg
September 2, 2022
Pasted the UV test, delivered in about 2-3 days. Very happy.

August 24, 2022
Great stuff! works like expected