Tips On Cutting With Anavar

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When a new steroid hits the market, muscle-building enthusiasts go through a series of contradictory emotions about trying it. It is normal to be excited and wary of a new steroid, as you don’t know how it will affect your body. One steroid that is currently trending, especially among women, is Anavar. In this article, you will learn why cutting with Anavar is becoming the number one choice for women.

What is Anavar?

Anavar is a potent oral anabolic steroid sought after by many bodybuilders. Although it is trending, Anavar has been around for decades. Researchers created this drug back in 1962 to help people with muscle-wasting conditions to gain lean muscle mass.

This drug comes with minimal side effects when compared to other steroids. Accordingly, researchers deem it as much safer to take by both male and female athletes. Although males can take Anavar, women often take this steroid as it has low androgenic activities, meaning that it converts to toxic di-hydro in the body. As a result, Anavar is the mildest anabolic steroid on the market, and this is good news for women looking to cut. 

Before getting into tips on cutting, here is a list of reasons to try Anavar for beginners looking to transform their bodies. Primarily, Anavar blasts fat by increasing your metabolic rate. Indeed, a low dose of 20mg a day can result in 4lbs of fat loss when taken for 12 weeks.

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Other steroids can burn fat quickly, but what makes Anavar stand out from the rest is its ability to burn visceral fat. Other Anavar steroids can lower the level of subcutaneous fat in the body while increasing visceral fat. In doing so, users are more at risk of diabetes induced by steroids. With Anavar, you aren’t increasing your chances of diabetes as the steroid lowers both subcutaneous and visceral fat. 

This steroid also hardens muscles, increases nitrogen retention in the muscle, and lowers muscle fatigue. It can give you added strength, increase your cardio endurance, and deliver mass gain in the lean muscles. Anavar increases your red cell count as well as vascularity. 

Tips on cutting with Anavar 

Cutting vs. bulking

Anavar is not the first steroid most people think of if they want to bulk up. Instead, fitness enthusiasts use it primarily to keep the muscles going during the cutting cycle. However, the dose will make a difference between cutting and bulking. If you take low doses of Anavar, the steroid will sustain your muscles as long as you are in a caloric deficit. On the other hand, you will bulk up fast and gain muscle if you take a high dose. 

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Anavar for wounds

Injuries can stop you from pursuing your fitness goals but not when you take Anavar. This steroid is an asset for cutaneous wounds. Anavar helps with respiratory issues, so it is a helpful steroid if your sport of choice is running, boxing, or fighting in the MMA ring. Indeed, medical professionals have used this drug to treat patients who suffered burn injuries because it revs up the acceleration rate of recovery.

Anavar to harden muscles 

If your goal is to harden muscle to lose fat and weight, Anavar should be your go-to steroid. This drug contains various androgens, which set muscles and make the cutting cycle easier to accomplish. 

Boost your metabolic rate 

To achieve those tight cuts in your body and increase vascularity, you need the help of the Anavar Clen cycle. This cycle involves the use of two drugs: Anavar and clenbuterol. Anavar’s role is to boost your testosterone level by transforming into DHT. In doing so, you can avoid the adverse effects of using testosterone injections.

In contrast, clenbuterol works to boost the oxygen in your body. This drug triggers the beta-2 adrenergic receptors in muscles and causes ATP to convert to cAMP. When this conversion occurs, the process boosts the intercellular activity in your body, and stored fats are broken down more efficiently. In simple terms, this conversion helps your body turn into a fat-burning machine. Additional clenbuterol enhances your metabolic rate by at least double the speed, and it stimulates the CNS.  

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When you use clenbuterol, together with Anavar, you can expect an added list of side effects. This drug can cause nausea and vomiting, while some users have experienced an increased rate of nervousness, anxiety, and sweating. Clenbuterol can cause jitters and muscle tremors, insomnia, and high blood pressure. Some have even experienced heart palpitations and dryness in the mouth.

Anavar and side effects

You may be focused on getting your body cut, but that shouldn’t cost you your health. Anavar is considered safe when compared to other steroids. Nevertheless, it causes some side effects that may affect you during your cutting cycle. The most common side effects include headaches and diarrhea. Some users have also experienced dizzy spells, loss of libido, and a cloudy headspace. Delayed periods are something most women on Anavar must deal with.

The periods will come back to normal once you stop using the steroid. However, you may notice that your period will not go back to its pre-Anavar state, and you will need to wait a month or more to get back to your routine. Your period may skip a month or two, but those period-like symptoms will stick around. Anavar’s side effects include bloating, water retention, and fat gain, while some users even develop gynecomastia which is an overdevelopment of the breasts in men. Other side effects include unwanted hair on your face and body and oily skin. 


Ultimately, Anavar is ideal if you want a cut body, but you wish to keep those traditional female traits intact. Even so, you can lose these traits if you take high doses of Anavar. Experts share how doses higher than 10mg can expand those virilization effects and lead to a more masculine-type body. 

On the other hand, abusing this drug for recreational purposes comes with a list of adverse side effects, including hair loss and high LDL cholesterol. You can suppress your testosterone level and damage your kidneys.

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