Review Of 2021’s Best SARMs

Do you want to bulk up? If you are familiar with the world of bodybuilding, you must have come across many people who rely on anabolic steroids. The dark side of taking these steroids is not a secret anymore, and it’s better to stay as far from it as you can. But the good news is, there are several replacements for steroids, and one of the best substitutes is SARMS.

If you wish to know more about SARMS, what exactly it is, how it will benefit you, and what is the correct way to consume it, read this detailed guide along with the review of 2021’s best SARMs.

What exactly is SARMs?

SARM is the abbreviation of ‘Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator.’ They are a type of therapeutic compound having similar characteristics to that of anabolic steroids. However, the androgenic qualities are reduced. SARMs supplements are performance-enhancing drugs that stimulate anabolism to increase your strength, mass, as well as the speed of muscle recovery.

Each SARM is unique and may have an impact on specific gateways. Initially, a SARM was classified as a substance that had more anabolic than androgenic action. As a result, SARMs are primarily intended to produce anabolic rather than androgenic effects. Androgens are majorly thought of as male hormones; however, they are present in women, albeit in lesser amounts.

It exhibits tissue-selective activation without any threatening symptoms usually caused by steroids, e.g., liver damage, acne, shrunk testicles, or growth of breast tissues. SARMs can be used to treat various medical issues like mass wasting, osteoporosis, hypogonadism, and even cancer because of their ability to distinguish between androgenic and anabolic activities.

They can specifically work on the androgen receptors, as the name suggests, whereas steroids affect your whole body. These distinguishing features make SARMs supplements suitable for therapeutic solutions. If you’re planning to use them, you must opt for high-quality SARMs in Canada.

SARMs vs. Steroids

As mentioned above, SARM supplements do not affect your whole body, unlike anabolic steroids. They primarily focus on muscle and fat and only stimulate androgens that are connected with growth and development. SARMs work by triggering testosterone secretion in your body, providing you with a robust masculine physique and strength.

With SARMs, you have control over the outcomes, whereas, with steroids, you can’t prevent it from affecting your whole body, which may lead to multiple side effects. Steroids may help you achieve the ideal body you see on the internet. Still, the best SARMs supplements you can benefit from with substantial gains and a healthy body since they don’t encourage pumping up through artificial ingredients as prohormones do.

The detrimental side effects of steroids can even extend to mental disturbance and cause aggression, mood swings, etc. So, it is comparatively safer to use SARMs and incorporate it as a part of your health regime.

How to take SARMs supplements

How you take these supplements depends on your fitness goals. There are various forms of it, liquid, capsule, and even powder. What you need to take care of is the dose. It should be divided daily into two or three doses. Don’t try to over-consume it, and pay utmost attention to the dosing instructions mentioned on the label.

Because there is no one-size-fits-all dosage for SARMs, be careful of your intake. There are no official guidelines or instructions for its consumption since it is not formally legalized for usage. For detailed information, refer to experts or peers who have appropriate knowledge about the same.

Is SARMs Legal?

SARM is not legal due to a lack of formal regulations. However, you can purchase and consume it with care and consideration. Initially, it was used to help treat muscle wasting disorder and chronic aging conditions, but not for muscle gain. They are yet fully open on the market due to insufficient medical research and proof supporting this cause.

This is the reason why they are labeled with specific alphanumeric names by the sellers for easier identification. However, going by the popular opinions and the feedback of many committed users, it is the best substitute for anabolic steroids and is completely safe. It will enable you to cut and bulk healthily.

Best SARMs of 2021

There are a variety of SARMs available in the market. So, if you use high-quality products, you will see incredible results without any complications. Always select a legitimate seller who provides third-party documentation. Choosing the best SARMs supplement is essential. Well, are you looking for the best SARMs retailer in Canada?

It can be a little difficult to search all by yourself. However, the good news is, you can quickly obtain high-quality SARMs in Canada. We have compiled a list of the best SARMs for 2021; after thorough research, keep reading to find out.

Helixx Lab MK-677 (Ibutamoren/Nutrobal) – For growth hormone boost:

Ibutamoren is not a SARM but is listed under SARMs because it has similar benefits. It specifically targets growth hormones or the secretagogue receptors and raises the IGF-1 or Insulin Growth Factor-1. While doing so, it never interferes with the levels of testosterone or any other hormone functioning in the body.

Its functions also resemble ghrelin which is a hormone that regulates appetite and hence, activates ghrelin receptors. As it determines the energy distribution, there is an energy and appetite increase. It further triggers the pituitary glands and the hypothalamus to secrete HGH, the growth hormone or IGF-1.

Nutrobal is often used for bulking and improving muscle density coupled with other SARMs. As it raises the energy level, the metabolism rate enhances burning unnecessary fat and thus, aids the loss of unhealthy weight. The recommended dosage for Nutrobal is 10-25mg/day. It is a superior choice if you are looking for good muscle growth.

Another added advantage is that MK-677 promotes healthy hair, clear skin, and muscle recovery. It also has no side effects like lack of sleep.

Helixx Labs Ostarine Osta X – For a lean mass:

Helixx Labs Ostarine Osta X mimics testosterone. Being very mild and safe, it is highly recommended for beginners. It curbs muscle atrophy and maintains a healthy mass. MK-2866 is quite helpful if you are on a cutting cycle. It will allow you to lose excess fat from your body while keeping your muscle gains. Consuming it will also provide you with great strength and endurance during workouts.

Ostarine has a dosage of 10-25mg and a typical cycle of around eight days. Don’t exceed this dose as it might suppress testosterone levels, cause fertility issues in men, affect sleep, and lead to fatigue. It can be used for several benefits like bulking, recomping, and cutting.

The benefits of MK-2866 are visible the second week itself, and it allows to lose considerable weight initially. Then with time, it can help you focus on gaining lean muscle. It will help you cut and bulk without compromising your health.

Helixx Labs Andarine S4 – For fat burning, lean mass, & strength:

It was initially used for treating muscle atrophy and osteoporosis. Helixx Labs Andarine S-4 is optimum for significant muscle and bone-building and highly bioavailability if consumed orally. It works on the androgen receptor. Andarine works best when used at a lower dose, and one can get good results fast.

S4 by Helixx Labs doesn’t break down into estrogen or Dihydrotestosterone hence has a very mild effect. Andarine has a short life, and doses should be divided into different portions to be taken at different times. One should start with around 50mg/day in 2-3 doses. A dose of 25mg/day is also beneficial for beginners.

It leads to an increase in strength, stamina, and energy. Moreover, it also elevates testosterone levels and enhances metabolism aiding the building of lean muscle. It will be a great choice for someone looking for bulking and cutting at the same time. Apart from this, you can use it to treat benign prostate hyperplasia, a disorder in aged men, as Andarine prevents binding of DHT and androgenic receptors.

You should observe the reactions of S4 first and modify the dose as it may have some side effects. A low amount will always be beneficial.

Helixx Labs RAD-140 RAD X – For building muscles & strength:

RAD-140 was initially used in the treatment of breast cancer and muscle wasting. However, with time it has emerged as a potent SARM for bulking up and building muscle fast. RAD-140 has an affinity for androgen-receptor cells in the body, leading to an increased lean body mass without affecting fat mass.

SARMs work by blocking androgen receptors in the prostate and breasts, reducing the risk of cancer. RAD 140 is an excellent alternative to prevent muscle wasting compared to testosterone replacement therapy or anabolic steroids. Both can lead to overstimulation of androgen receptors and cause cancer.

RAD 140 also enhances brainpower. Trials found that it can prevent brain cell death caused due to aging. Anabolic steroids, however, cause brain abnormalities and can be harmful. RAD – 140 is also suitable for women as there is no risk of unpleasant androgenic effects like low hair. It can cause nausea for beginners and even insomnia or lethargy. Hence dose regulation is necessary.

Syn Pharma LGD 4033 (Ligandrol) – Best for bulking:

Ligandrol was used to prevent muscle loss in cancer, but now it is famous for building a lean body mass and increasing vascularity. It also boosts the mineral density in bones and has no severe effects on the hair, skin, liver, blood pressure, or prostate.

Syn Pharma LGD primarily helps in gaining strength and bulking. Ligandrol may take 1 or 2 weeks for the physical gains to start but will give you a fuller shape with time. It enables you to lift more and train harder in the first cycle itself and stimulates muscle growth. The other benefit is a speedy recovery which gives you the ability to take up more workload and maintain muscle.

LGD 4033 works efficiently at a low dose and is well-tolerated with no severe side effects. However, some common side effects are nausea, water retention, fatigue, etc.  The recommended dose is 5mg/day and 5-10mg/day for building lean muscle.

Syndurobol – Cardarine GW-501516 (Cardarine/Endurobol) – Best for weight Loss & endurance:

Cardarine is a PPAR-delta (PPAR-δ) agonist that was initially used as a safer treatment option for metabolic and heart conditions and even for prostate, colon, and breast cancer. GW-501516 works on the PPAR-δ nuclear receptors and activates the genes ABCA1 and CPT1 responsible for energy distribution, increasing oxidation of fatty acids.

Studies have found that Cardarine has sound effects on vascular health and lipids. It enhances endurance, the healing process, and fat loss and helps manage symptoms of diabetes type 2.

People use it for stamina, fat loss, and muscle gain. GW-501516 also offers relief to damaged liver cells and avoids fat deposits. It also makes your body utilize fat and protects muscle from undergoing catabolism. Incorporating it with a well-balanced caloric-deficient diet and a good workout routine, you will see excellent results.

The effective dose is around 10mg-20mg/day, and it is advisable to dose it twice a day for good results.

Helixx Labs Stenabolic SR9009 (Stenabolic) – For Fat Burning and Metabolism:

Helixx Labs Stenabolic is the best selective androgen receptor modulator that helps in energy production and fat loss. It also works as an exercise in a supplement. It can enhance endurance and stamina by increasing the muscle’s metabolic activity, hence having similar effects to working out in a gym. It makes your body think that you have had an actual exercise.

These effects last for several hours and help you cut fat. The recommended dose of  SR9009 is around 100mg/kg. It can be divided into three doses of 10mg-30 mg per day. One should take SR-9009 an hour before going to the gym for great results.


SARMs are an excellent substitute for anabolic steroids. They eliminate all possibilities of adverse side effects and help you achieve your bodybuilding goals quickly, ensuring optimal health at the same time. Now that you are familiar with every aspect of SARMs, consider buying one for yourself.

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