A Guide To Staying Lean Throughout The Year

a guide to staying lean throughout the year

Are you spending long hours in front of the mirror, prodding and poking your body, wishing you could get a bit more toned and leaner? If you’ve tried counting calories, went through intense exercise plans, and crash diets, but nothing seemed to work, this guide is for you.

We can help you get lean and stay lean throughout the year. First of all, you shouldn’t blame yourself. Getting lean, and more importantly, staying lean isn’t something that can happen overnight. Putting your trust in get-fit-quick fixes will do you no good either.

Most of them are unlikely to work, while some are simply ineffective and unsustainable. On the other hand, canceling your social life and plans with friends and denying yourself all the food you adore can negatively impact your emotional and mental health.

If you’ve been planning to hit the gym for some time but never found the motivation to do it, it’s time to get serious and grab control over your fitness. Staying in shape and lean throughout the year doesn’t have to be complicated or involve strict diets.

The trick is to keep things as simple as possible. A good start is developing healthy exercising and eating habits that are sustainable and maintained for more extended periods. It’s also essential to understand that getting lean isn’t the same as bodybuilding or becoming an endurance athlete.

Let’s start by explaining what staying lean means and how to achieve your fitness goals.

How to get and stay lean

Staying lean means you have a lower percentage of body fat than your lean mass, including bone and muscle. When we say a lean person, we mean an individual with less body fat and more muscle.

Getting lean requires a lot of time, effort, resources, dedication, and hard work. If you’re looking to get lean, you’ll have to work to increase your muscle mass. More importantly, you’ll also have to learn how to maintain your muscle mass and reduce the fat percentage in your body.

While using premium injectable steroids can help you increase your strength and muscle mass; you’ll still need to train regularly to maintain your muscles. We have excellent tips for getting and staying lean, so read on to find out more.

Resistance training

Your goal here is more than clear – you’re looking to reduce fat and increase muscle. Achieving these goals requires a detailed and well-organized exercise plan that should include two vital things:

  • Cardio
  • Resistance training (weightlifting)

Lifting weights is a powerful way to strengthen and encourage your body to burn more fat to build more muscle. Aside from getting leaner, it will also help you to get stronger. Resistance training activates your metabolism by making your body more metabolically active.

In other words, it allows your body to burn more calories a day, regardless of whether you’re exercising or not. The main focus of your resistance training should be on forcing your body to expend energy.

There are three ways to do this:

  • You use energy lifting the weights.
  • You make more muscle through a proper training schedule, supplementation, and nutrition. Since making more muscle requires more drive, motivation, focus, and energy, you should consider certain local-made supplements like Dbol Canada. If used correctly, Dbol provides a safe and fast way to gain muscle, stamina, and strength.
  • Think about your post-workout period as your muscles and body need time to recuperate and restore, which also requires energy.

It’s also essential to understand that just working out isn’t enough to reach your goal. You have to push yourself every workout and try to give your 100%. Whether you add new exercises, more weight, or reps, you aim to get strong across multiple muscle groups and rep ranges.

Your body type and lifting experience also play a crucial role in your training efforts. You should consider both when approaching resistance training.


Many are forced to stay at home in the current COVID-19 pandemic, which is still raging worldwide. Even before the coronavirus, people used to work desk-bound jobs and pretty much practice quite a static, sedentary way of life.

Being chronically inactive can cause a lot of medical conditions and health issues. Fortunately, you can avoid a lot of problems by getting into cardio. It’s one of the most effective ways to get back in shape and lose some weight.

More energy and motivation are just some of the benefits of cardio. However, we recommend that you avoid cardio before lifting weights to avoid sacrificing any energy or form and increase the risk of injury. Cardio is best after your resistance training session, as it can do wonders for burning more fat. You can also use Anavar to cut fat and make the most out of your cardio efforts.

Consider mixing anaerobic cardio with aerobic if you’re looking to lose body fat fast. Both Anavar and cardio significantly increase your metabolism, and they effectively burn fat, allowing you to get a lot leaner while keeping most of your hard-earned muscle mass.

Developing healthy eating habits

While exercising is crucial to getting lean, staying lean will depend on your diet. Eating the right food is as essential as creating the proper workout routine to stay lean. Many people wrongly believe that simply eating less is an excellent way to go, but they’re wrong.

You also have to eat the right food, as a proper diet helps stimulate both muscle growth and fat loss. Exercising more and cutting down your calories will help you lose weight, but it won’t necessarily help you build or preserve lean muscle. You need a diet that will provide all the macronutrients you need while getting lean.


A type of carbohydrate necessary for building lean muscle, fiber can’t be broken down into glucose by your body. There are two types of fiber:

  • Soluble fiber – foods like lentils, peas, some fruits, and oats keep you fuller for longer by slowing down digestion.
  • Insoluble fiber – foods like root vegetables, nuts, and whole grains promote healthy digestion.

Finding a perfect balance between soluble and insoluble fiber is the key to eating healthy and enough to support your workouts. It will help you develop better eating habits, regulate your appetite, and get lean faster.


You can’t get lean without a proper daily protein intake. Protein is the building block of your muscle mass. It helps them form, function properly, grow and recover faster after each workout session.

A word of advice here. If you’re on a strict calorie-controlled diet, working out regularly, and you don’t get enough protein, you’ll end up burning your body fat, energy reserves, and losing muscle mass.

Like fiber, protein is also essential to feeling fuller for longer. Aside from building and growing muscle, protein can also help you eat less without cravings. Increase your protein intake to get lean faster.


Getting lean is all about burning fat and getting in shape, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t eat fat. On the contrary, fat is vital to the proper functioning of your body. It helps the body absorb vitamins E, D, and A and creates fatty acids. Avoid processed foods with added fat, salt, and sugar, and eat a small number of unsaturated fats like sunflower seeds, fish, and olive oil.

Creating a diet

The best way to develop the proper diet is to compare your Resting Metabolic Rate to your daily calorie intake. RMR is the number of calories you need to intake daily to ensure your body functions properly.

Once you work out your personal RMR, combine your newly developed diet with a regular workout to start losing weight, burning fat, and getting lean. Keep an eye on how many calories your body needs, as you’ll need to adapt it as you make progress. You don’t want to lose too much weight too fast, as it can be counterproductive.

Tips for getting lean fast

Since getting lean is everything but a quick fix, this relatively sustainable process requires due diligence. Getting lean is only half the job done – you have to work hard to stay that way long-term. Anything too radical or drastic could destroy all your efforts. Therefore, we’re going to give you a couple of valuable tips on how to get lean in no time while avoiding the dreaded yo-yo diet effect.

Calorie deficit

Your diet should be created around eating habits that allow you to burn more calories than you consume. The easiest way to lose weight, burn excess fat, and grow lean muscle is to ensure you have a proper calorie deficit.

Heavy lifting

Develop an exercising routine and follow it strictly to make sure you advance and make the most out of your efforts. Remember, you mustn’t stick to your comfort zone but rather step out and push yourself to the limit to lift as heavy as possible.

It will require some time and a lot of effort, but you’ll get there eventually. Make sure you take one step and slowly but constantly increase the weight to build lean muscle faster.

Your focus should be on body fat, not weight.

Instead of weighing yourself and getting frustrated over nothing, it’s more productive to measure body fat as it will give you more accurate data on where you are on your journey to getting lean. Getting lean isn’t about achieving the perfect weight – it’s more about reducing fat and increasing lean muscle mass. If you’re doing it properly, you’ll soon start noticing the results.

Don’t starve yourself.

You don’t have to starve yourself. Waiting until you become ravenous with hunger is only going to result in overeating or not eating enough. Eat proper foods that make you feel full for longer, balance your fiber, fat, and protein intake, and eat when you feel hungry or at least every 3 to 5 hours. Eat slowly as it is vital for digesting your food correctly.

Don’t forget to increase your cardio intensity.

Just like you need to increase the weight on the bar from time to time, you also need to increase the intensity of your cardio exercise. The trick is to do it slowly, and every time you exercise. It doesn’t have to be anything drastic – even 50 extra yards or 10 seconds more will do just fine.

Make sure to keep your recovery time the same as your body will need time to recuperate and handle all the calorie and fat burning. You can speed it up by pushing yourself and forcing your body to burn fat faster.

You should also avoid excessive cardio as your body needs to adapt to your exercise and become fuel-efficient. If you run for hours, you’ll end up burning lean muscle along with fat.


In the end, staying lean isn’t exactly rocket science, but it does require a lot of personal investment and research until you find the best methods and techniques that work for you. Diet and exercise are the two most important driving factors of success.

Even if you’re on a strict calorie-burning diet, it doesn’t mean you have to give up on your favorite food or go out for beers with your friends. The trick is to learn to be moderate and know your priorities. On the other hand, just aimlessly working out isn’t going to cut it either.

You need a solution to get better and faster results while staying safe and healthy. Many people also mistake relying on supplements, expecting to get in shape in a short period. Supplements and anabolic can help, but they can’t do all the work for you. For this, you may have to supplement your diet as well.

They are only meant to supplement your diet and help you get your nutrients faster and easier or allow the muscles to adapt quicker. Still, most essential nutrients come from whole food sources, and you need to train hard to promote muscle growth. We hope that this guide provides the valuable and actionable information you need to achieve better results.





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