Category Archives: Blog

Ostarine – A novel SARM which does little harm.

Ostarine | Buy Ostarine canada | Canadian Anabolics

Ostarine: Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are rapidly gaining traction in the health, bodybuilding, and fitness world. Certain SARMs such as Ostarine are gaining traction at a rapid pace, and surely this attention can’t be undeserved. Touted for its muscle and bone-building abilities. Ostarine has seen use in the clinical world as well for the […]

RAD-140 – A radical and safe substitute for testosterone.

RAD-140 Beforee and after | Benefits | Canadian Anabolics

Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are rapidly gaining traction in the health, bodybuilding, and fitness world. RAD-140 is a novel and unique substance and goes under the common name Testolone. Developed by Radius Health Inc., RAD-140 saw its development follow the path of a treatment of certain conditions like muscle wasting and breast cancer. With […]

What Are the Safest Steroids to Use?

What Are the Safest Steroids to Use in Bodybuilding?

Safest Steroids – Venturing into the anabolic steroid world for the first time may seem confusing and riddled with fear of side effects. Even seasoned users may be wondering if they are using their money and health wisely with their current stacks. Learn which steroids are the safest to use. Especially if you are concerned […]

How Do Steroids Increase Muscle Mass

How Steroids Increase Muscle Mass | Canadian Anabolics

How Do Steroids Increase Muscle Mass To Figure out how do steroids increase muscle mass we must first look at how Natural Muscle Growth Works: Before we dive into the details of how steroids specifically increase muscle mass, the process of basic muscle growth needs to be covered. During strenuous physical activity, microscopic tears in […]

How Steroids Make You Stronger

How Steroids Make You Stronger | Canadian Anabolics | Steroids Canada

How Steroids Make You Stronger Have you ever imagined how much farther you can push past lingering plateaus if you buy steroids? Athletes and gym-goers such as strongmen, powerlifters, bodybuilders, etc., take anabolic steroids to increase their natural maximum strength potential. Many of these individuals have trained for most of their lives at perfecting various […]


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